Do you suffer from IBS?

Are you tired of constantly feeling bloated and unwell?

Do you wish you could pinpoint the foods which trigger your symptoms?

Are you ready to do something about it?

Approximately 1 in 5 people in the UK alone suffer from IBS and there is no cure.

​IBS symptoms can only really be managed through peppermint capsules and various medication.

Until now!

The low FODMAP diet is becoming increasingly popular and is seeing great results in those who live with IBS.

​The low FODMAP diet is not a miracle cure. It requires a bit of cooking, patience, and determination but if it can help around 75% of participants, it's definitely worth a try!

This journey will take you through 4 weeks of elimination and 8 weeks of reintroduction with carefully chosen recipes, helpful hints and tips along the way and a structured plan by a Nutritionist, specialised in the low FODMAP diet.

The contents of this journey include:

  •   An introduction to the low-FODMAP diet and my story
  •   Weekly meal plans to follow throughout the journey
  •   Shopping lists to make your life easier
  •   Lots of delicious low-FODMAP recipes
  •   Motivational messages to keep you on track
  •   Food diary printouts to record your progress

​The aim is to get you to a point where you understand what your trigger foods are, are able to comfortably avoid them without feeling like you’re missing out and no longer fear food!

You should start the low FODMAP diet after consultation with a registered dietician and prior consent from your GP to ensure there are no health risks to you or anything you personally should take into account.

Hi, I’m Sarah!

I have had tummy problems for most of my life and I was diagnosed with IBS in 2012.

After guiding myself through the low FODMAP diet, I have managed to pinpoint my trigger foods and now live with a much happier tummy!

I have since completed an AfN Nutrition course and the Monash University training course for the Low FODMAP Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Personal experience has shown me how painful, uncomfortable and embarrassing IBS can be but I also know how much the low FODMAP diet helped change my life.

I have done all the leg work so you don’t have to! Join My FODMAP Journey today and start your journey towards symptom control and a happier tummy!

Although some of the recipes are vegan/vegetarian, My FODMAP Journey is not currently suitable for vegans/vegetarians but we are working on this! If you'd be interested in a vegan/vegetarian course, please email at [email protected] and we'll be in touch as soon as this is ready!

What do others think?

"I get asked a lot about FODMAPS and Sarah is the first person I think of. She understands the complexities of attempting a FODMAP diet and explains it in simple, easy to understand language. Her recipe and food suggestions are also really innovative and inspiring."


"Sarah is one of the kindest people you could have the pleasure of meeting. With a gentle and calming voice, she is well suited to producing a course designed to guide you through a difficult period and show you how to gain the knowledge and insight you need to get better. Having trained with Monash, and also with a diploma from Association for Nutrition, Sarah has got the credentials to know what she is talking about. She has gone through the low FODMAP journey herself to seek resolution of her IBS symptoms, understands that each part of the FODMAP diet needs to be monitored carefully, and will ensure that you follow the steps diligently for the best resolution for you. I’ve known Sarah for a few years now, and had the pleasure of inviting her along to do a cooking demo for me when hosting for the Allergy Show. She calmly showed a large crowd 2 hit recipes, all whilst answering questions confidently about living with IBS and how certain foods can be triggers. I have no doubt that this course will be invaluable for many as long as they follow each process diligently to slowly reintroduce foods at each step within the correct timeframe!"
